Sunday, September 9, 2012

Great tea at the Columbia Pike Farmer's Market!

Ok, so up to this point, i have been concentrating on coffee. But I did promise that I would be discussing tea on this blog as well. So, where are my tea lovers at? I'm going to start off by expressing that as much as I love a cup of coffee, it's hard to just enjoy coffee all day long like you can with a good quality tea. Owing to my recent post on the "Oh! Pickles/Hondo Coffee" booth, I thought this post to be extremely appropriate. There is a wonderful booth that sells loose leaf teas at the Columbia Pike Farmer's Market called "Tea Co." The owner, Myra Ceaser doesn't run a fancy opperation, but she sources quality loose leaf teas from around the world, so you won't be disappointed with the lack of flair. It doesn't take away from the quality of the product. She sources many traditional and contemporary tea blends, with staples ranging from English Breakfast, to Early Grey, to Jasmine Green Tea, and everything in between. Occassionally, if you get lucky, she'll have a special order she just recently placed, and you can get something truly amazing, such as the exotic "Golden Monkey" black tea sourced straight from China, or the wonderful "Biodynamic, Organic Darjeeling" a completely organic Darjeeling loose leaf tea that truly is the "champagne" of teas. She has a wonderful oolong (on the darker side of the oolong spectrum) that she sources regularly and you can get a variety of white tea blends and mixes of green tea such as her traditional "Moroccan Mint" (spearmint and green tea leaves together), and her "Barrack o'Baby" (a very fruity blend with the nuce, subtle notes of white tea underneath). Tea Co. caries a wide array of rooibos and herbal tea blends as well, and even has yerba mate for those of us who wish to taste a little of the South American tradition. She's also a relaible source for a QUALITY matcha powder (which is rare in this area). Here's a little profile of her company that I managed to find online: And here's a link to some info on her company for the Facebook fans: Anyway, I haven't forgotten about you my fellow tea lovers! I will be doing more posts on tea in the future, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you get a chance to check out Tea Co. I recommend you do so by visiting the Columbia Pike Farmer's market and talking to Myra herself. She mans her own booth so if you have questions about the source for her leaves or the ingredients, you can find out straight from the owner!

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